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What is username/password authentication and how does it work?

What is username/password authentication and how does it work?

Adelina avatar


Updated over a week ago

Your IPNux username and password are used to confirm you’re the user trying to access our proxies. You can find your username and password in the dashboard.

For IPNux residential proxies, we use the username you provide when you create your account. The password changes depending on your proxy settings. For example, let’s say your password is “password”. If you want to use randomized IPs from any location, your password would be “password”. If you want to use high-end IPs from Berlin, Germany, with a session duration of two hours, your password will be “password_country-de_city-berlin_session-(sessionID)_lifetime-2h_streaming-1”.

Mobile proxies come with a set username and password that can’t be changed. You can find them in the Proxy access section.

All other proxy types (static residential, datacenter, and sneaker proxies) allow you to set a custom username and password in the Change proxies credentials section. Select a particular IP address, type in the new username and password, and click the Change credentials button.

Once you get your credentials from the dashboard, you can use them in your tools (web scrapers, operating system settings, browser plugins, sneaker bots, etc.) for authentication. Here’s an example:

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